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Day 1: Your family (Psalm 103:17-18)

Psalm 103:17-18New International Version (NIV)

17 But from everlasting to everlasting
    the Lord’s love is with those who fear him,
    and his righteousness with their children’s children
18 with those who keep his covenant
    and remember to obey his precepts.

Lord, You know I have not done the best job as a mom. I like to believe that most of the time I did the best I could with what I had. I know I made MANY mistakes. I lacked patience. I focused too much on the wrong things. I wasn't the best example. But I did try. I loved them (and still love them) more than anything else. And almost every mistake I made came from wanting to raise them right. My prayer was always that they would have lives that were happy, well-adjusted and that they would know their purpose early and live for You. 

I am so thankful that all were saved young and even though they aren't currently in church, I'm claiming those seeds that were planted early and your Word that says once we are yours nothing can snatch us from your hands. I pray that You will bring them back into fellowship with you, that they will know what it is to have a personal relationship with you and that no matter what, you love them even more than I do. 

I ask that you fill in the gaps where I failed so miserably. I am so proud of all three of them! I know I am a blessed mom. I miss the days when they were younger and needed me so much. But I'm proud that now that they are grown they don't need me--even though it hurts in a lot of ways to have an empty nest I know that by them not needing me at every turn means that I actually did do what I was supposed to do--I raised them to be self-sufficient and productive young adults. 

I pray that they will learn the tough lessons early and that they will overcome their mistakes with discipline, knowledge, strength and grace. 

Lord, I thank you also for my extended family. My parents are the best and I am so thankful that you chose them to be mine. I pray for their health and that they will be able to enjoy a long and peaceful retirement. 

Please bless my sisters, brother and their families. I pray they will also come to know You. And Lord I thank you for aunts, uncles and cousins and ask you to bless them as well. 

In Jesus name,



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