My devotional 8/7/17
How to Handle Rejection by Shana Schutte
Have you noticed
sometimes God will allow us to be exposed to the very thing that frightens us
so we will realize we are not victims, but instead can be victors? This is how
it was for me with rejection.
Twenty-five years ago possible rejection was the relational difficulty
that terrified me, whether with a romantic interest or friend, so I tried to
avoid it at all costs by people pleasing—which of course, didn’t work.
Much to my horror, God
didn’t shield me from rejection like I hoped.
Instead, it seemed like someone was tossing me aside every time I turned
a corner. It wasn’t fun! One day I woke
up and realized what I thought would destroy me, hadn’t! The result was what I
believe God had in mind: freedom from
the fear of rejection.
I have struggled with this my entire life as well. I put up
a brave and tough front and I think over the years I have probably become a
little jaded and used to it. I know psychologists would say it stems from being
rejected by my biological father at a young age. He and my mom divorced when I
was very young. He had visitation every other weekend but his lifestyle of
drugs, loose women, fast and hard living often kept him away (which turned out
to be a good thing in the long run because I was never exposed to certain
things like my half-sister was). But I remember as a little girl sitting and
waiting on him to pick me up for a visit and he would call hours later to back
out of our plans, if he bothered calling at all. Then I would cry myself to
sleep wondering why my daddy didn’t want me.
Today, when someone backs out on plans we have, for whatever
reasons, those feelings of rejection come back.
I’m mature enough to know that in this world, not everyone is
going to like me. I’m okay with that. Really I am. What I’m not okay with and
probably never will be is the fear that others have of rejecting me. Maybe they
don’t want to hurt my feelings. Maybe they just don’t have the courage to say
what they really think and feel. Maybe they don’t even know. But what I can’t
tolerate is someone telling me one thing and behaving another. It confuses me,
makes me anxious and strikes up those old feelings of fear in me.
Yet, I’ve had to get used to it because apparently most
people these days just can’t be straight with others. All I can do is what His
word says, “as far as it depends on you, live in peace with others”. That
doesn’t mean accepting their bad behavior.
Most likely, I’ll tell people what I think about it. But then I let it
go. That doesn’t mean it doesn’t bother me that people are like this. I’m sure
at times I probably come off this way to some, too. But we try. I believe we
can all be honest with each other and not be intentionally hurtful. But it takes
effort that some just don’t want to put in.
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