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Handwritten journal entries from past -- Notes from Priscilla Shirer/ reCreate Women's Conference

Notes from Priscilla Shirer/ reCreate Women's Conference

How many times has God tried to position me to receive what He has for me and I have rebelled and fought Him? And yet He is still patiently waiting and guiding me to my destiny.  Some will not hang with me through this change. He always will. God is patient.

Humans have to grow and be trained in levels of patience.

God places us in situations that train us.

Because God is patient-we get to experience everything else God is!

1 Timothy 1:12-16

Paul says, "I'm a demonstration of the patience of God."

We all have our own sin resume! Stop looking at others'!

Jeremiah 1:5

1. Christ came to save sinners.
a. Miracle we were born; bigger miracle we are born again.
b. God will always out move the enemy.

2. Christ changes us.
    Ephesians 1:13 justify
    2 Thessalonians 1:13 sanctify

3.  Christ considers me and puts me in service.  He uses me for his glory.

Don't let the enemy rob you of your destiny by causing you to downplay your current location.  You haven't been cheated. You have been chosen.


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