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Handwritten journal entries from past -- Lisa Bevere Women's Conference

Lisa Bevere Women's Conference

Lioness Arising

Turnaround God--Charlotte Gambil

Do you like your seat?

Jesus is drawn to movement.

The choice you make of where you will be affects where your children will be. 

John 20

You're not where you should be because you don't want to leave others behind.

Sometimes we hear things in an old filter.

Luke 5:1

No matter how vast the situations are--He sees you!

The one true God, comes to see about us!

God not only sees us,   He will use the platform that you think is useless to proclaim His greatness to others!

Psalm 46:10 Be Still!


Isaiah 55  His ways are not ours.

8000 promises--no in our hands, in our reach, meaning there is a process.


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