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Handwritten journal entries from past -- Women's conference

Do what you are responsible to do and that will allow God to do what only He can do.

God's dream for me is the enemy's nightmare.

Numbers 23:24

2 Corinthians

Proverbms 6: 6-0

My beauty is revealed in the strength of my funtion.

Celebrate each others' strengths and seasons.

Who is at risk when we are (???)

Know your specific calling and purpose is and cut back on the things that don't add to that.  ---Tammy Hodges.

The relationships you choose determine everything.

Isaiah 30:15-18

In repentance and rest is your salvation.  You can't outrun your enemies.

When you don't rest and you become the savior, you become a slave and you begin to substitute.

Psalm 32:7

Selah--stop think musical rest.


1--look outward: review
    relationship with God?
   ask others how you're doing?
    how is family life?
    Physical, ministry, social life?
    how is your work?

2--look inward; revise
     work on yourself
     pray for people

3--look heavenward--revive


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