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Showing posts from August, 2018

December 26, 2017

Lord, I know you know all that has happened.  It certainly wasn't what I wanted but I trust that You know better.  I am glad I found out the truth before I wasted anymore time or more of my heart. I know you know the awful things I said in the midst of my pain.  Some of it--they deserve.  And I do regret that I couldn't control my emotions or actions.  nothing excuses what I did.  And I'll do my best to make amends in time--though I doubt they care.  Right now they only forgiveness that matters to me is Yours for me and mine for those that hurt me.  I know You will deal with them.  I know that he didn't fit Your plan for my life.  I still need You to show me what Your plan is.  And I trust that You will.  Thank you for my family and friends that have stuck with me through this awful time.  Help me to stay off social media and anything else not meant for me to mend my heart, grow my faith or anything that takes my focus...

John Maxwell, Church of the Highlands 1st Wednesday December 6, 2017

1) Don't overlook what Jesus wants to teach you.  John 6:1-7 2) Don't overlook the needs of others.  Matthew 14:15 3) Don't overlook what you do have.  Mark 8:4; Luke 9:13 He doesn't do the work until WE move first! 4) Don't overlook what you are with Jesus. Matthew 14:17-21 5) don't overlook what happens when you depend on Jesus.  Jeremiah 6:14-15 I will ALWAYS come up short! It may be all you have but in Jesus' hands, it's more than enough!

November 26, 2017

Lord, So much has happened since I last wrote my prayers down.  you answered my prayers about a man in my life by reconnecting me with someone.  I didn't think I'd be attracted. He'd always been on of those "good guys" from the hometown. But he swept me off my feet. He was everything I prayed for and these last few months have been the happiest in my life.  He seemed to want the same things.  He wanted a relationship and a future.  He wanted our kids to know each other.  He called me the love of his life and his family. Now just last week, things are all of a sudden different and I don't know what happened.  It has to be an attack by the enemy.  Because I'll never believe that you would orchestrate something so wonderful and allow doubts and uncertainty to creep in if it were your plan.  Your word says your plan is to give us a hope and a future, to bless and prosper us. Lord, we're 48 years old.  You know this.  Of course we ...

August 8, 2017 #21daysofprayer

Lord, I am thankful for so much.  Thank you that Darrell will be okay.  I ask that you, almighty God, continue to protect and bless him.  Get him off the streets, Lord.  Move mountains and get it rolling like only You can. Thank you for timely scriptures and devotionals. Thank you for the freedom of rejection.  I ask that my heart not be bitter with disappointment but full of joy in knowing your plan has yet to be revealed. (sb) Thank you for the opportunity to plant new fields for you.  I will faithfully go where you send me. (wh) Keep my focus on you!

August 7, 2017 #21daysofprayer

Lord, I am so thankful for everything I have. You, my family and friends, home, health, job.  I thank you for giving me the desire to know You and serve You by serving others.  Lord, I pray for healing and better relationships with my precious children. I'm also praying that you would put a man in my life that loves me for who I am and that needs someone like me. For those currently in my life, regardless of whether they are meant for me as mates or friends, I pray your blessings over them. Forgive me when I stumble and fall short and as always thank you for loving me anyway.

Scriptures for a new job

Psalm 90:17 May the favor of the Lord our God rest on us; establish the work of our hands for us--yes, establish the work of our hands. Proverbs 3:5 Trust in the Lord with all your heart & lean not on your own understanding. Matthew 7:7 Ask and it will be given to you; see and you will find; knock and the door will be opened for you. God, I may not understand how everything will work out, but I trust you.  I don't see a way but I know you will make a way.  I have faith that at this very moment you are touching hearts, opening doors and lining up the right breaks and right opportunities.  Things may look dark and bleak now but I have faith that my dawn is coming!

Prayer for disappointment

Dear merciful God, I did not expect this.  I hoped for something else.  now I'm left without peace. How did this happen? Why? Let me know that all understanding and wisdom are found in your wounds and your forgiveness.  Give me a heart full of humility, mercy and trust in the Lord.  let me know that every failure and every disappointment are infinitely greater than any victory or glory when your will is done.  Show me what I must learn.  Show me that I must trust in you alone.  You alone are my rest.  you alone are my hope.  You alone are my glory.  In Jesus' name, Amen

Prayers for anxiety and worry

Dear loving God, I am feeling stress.  I am worried.  Too many things occupy my mind.  Wont' you help me? Show me, Lord, Your order and your plans are eternal.  Let me trust in your will alone.  your Word tells me where there is love there is no fear.  Your perfect love drives out all fear.  Let me be filled with your love. The perfect love that tells me I am not condemned but I am saved. I can do all things through you. You strengthen me. In Jesus' name, Amen

Prayers for male friends

Lord, Protect these men physically, mentally and emotionally as they go into the world each day. Make them men of integrity. Infuse them with wisdom.  Shower them with success.  Put a generous spirit within them.  Surround them with other godly men.  Shape them into the strong, godly leaders of their homes and potential homes. Give them eyes that look to you as a servant looks to the eyes of his master.  Fill them with an every-deepening love for you. Bless the work of their hands and the efforts of their hearts and minds. In Jesus' name, Amen.

Prayer for my son

Dear Lord, When he was just a baby, I held him in my hands.  As you hold me tenderly in yours, teach me to trust and not fear.  For my son as I am your child, so is he.  Let me give him up to you.  Show me all authority comes only from you, Lord.  Make me a true authority.  Let me be strong for his sake.  Teach me to discipline not with anger or frustration but with wisdom and love.  Let me treat him as you treat me. Accepting, forgiving, guiding, letting him be him.  Jesus gave his life for me. Let me give up my desires, my plans and my image of my son.  Instead let your will be done.  Let him find you as a friend and master.  Let him find joy in your word.  Through your mercy and grace, In Jesus' name, Amen

Prayer for my daughters

Oh heavenly Father, I lift up my daughters to you.  I love them so much.  Please take care of them Lord.  Cover them with your blessings and protection.  Let me let go of my desire to confirm them to my will.  show me how to protect them and guide them into wisdom. Let them know they are loved as they are.  Let me love them also as they are.  Let them know they are indeed princesses in a kingdom far greater than any fairy tale, a kingdom with a great king who reigns with justice and mercy.  Make them strong in your Word. Let them be tender and gentle and let your love flow through their lives and hearts.  In Jesus' Holy name,  Amen

Favorite Scriptures, January 2, 2017

Commit to the Lord whatever you do and all your plans will succeed. ~~Proverbs 16:3 Even the youths shall faint and be weary and the young shall utterly fall. But those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary.  They shall walk and not be faint.  ~~Isaiah 40:30-31. Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation.  The old has passe away; behold the new has come.  ~~2 Corinthians 5:17 Behold, I will do a new thing, Now it shall spring forth; Shall you not know it?  I will even make a road in the wilderness and rivers in the dessert.  ~~ Isaiah 43:19 For I know the plans that I have for you, says the Lord, plans of peach and not evil to give you a hope and a future. ~~Jeremiah 29:11 And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to his purpose. ~~Romans 8:28

Old notes from prayer journal 6/12/13

At this time I was using a journaling format from Lisa Whelchel's  A Busy Mom's Guide to Prayer. Prayer Focus :  My parents and siblings Scripture Inspiration :  Ephesians 6:2 Honor your Father and Mother Praying the Word :  Lord that you have said this is the first commandment speaks to me of its importance. Prayer Prompt :  Thank you, for giving me wonderful parents and siblings.  I pray healing and prosperity over them that they may know You the ultimate healer.  Prosper them in health and wealth that they may enjoy abundant life.  I pray all needs be met and You be glorified through all.

Old notes from prayer journal 6/11/13

At this time I was using a journaling format from Lisa Whelchel's  A Busy Mom's Guide to Prayer. Prayer Focus :  My children Scripture Inspiration : Luke 15:14 After he had spent all he had, a severe famine swept through that country and he began to be in need. Praying the Word :  Lord, my children have strayed as I have from you.  Thank you that you have promised to always take us back and that nothing can snatch us from your hands! Prayer Prompt :  Lord I pray for every area of my children's lives Lord, I pray they would realize their need for You and draw close.  A hedge of protection around them from harm and evil and bad influences.  Prosper them and give them the desires of their heart and abundant life.

Old notes from my prayer journal 6/10/13

At this time I was using a journaling format from Lisa Whelchel's A Busy Mom's Guide to Prayer. Prayer Focus:     Romantic Relationships Scripture Inspiration:   His mouth is most sweet and he is altogether desirable.  This is my beloved and this is my friend.  Song of Songs 5:16. Praying the Word :  I know it is good for me to remain single so that my focus can be completely on the Lord.  But for reasons of self-control, I should remarry and not burn with passions.  Find me my soul mate, Lord! Prayer Prompt :  I asked God to close the door if this (gentleman's name I was in a relationship at the time) was not the relationship for me.  Is that what He was doing or is it merely two people finding it difficult to love and trust again.  it was hard to accept that the door may be closed.  If it is, lord help me to realize it, get over it and wait for the right one.