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Showing posts from June, 2018

Message Notes 1/30/15

Proverbs A righteous man falls 7 times and always arises CHAIRS Colossians 3:19 1 Peter 3:7 1 Corinthians 7:3-4 C--conquest; Appreciate his desire to work and achieve H-hierarchy; Appreciate his desire to protect & provide A - Authority; Appreciate his desire to be strong, to lead and make decisiions I -  Insight; Appreciate his desire to analyze and counsel R - Relationships; Appreciate desire for shoulder to shoulder friendship S - Sexuality; Appreciate his desire for sexual intimacy

From handwritten journal -- reCreate

Holly Romans 13:11 Isaiah 60:1 What do I need to arise from? Matt 10:34 2 Timothy 4:7 Don't get stuck in a past moment even if it's good but especially not if it's bad. Julia Isaiah 30:23 Gen 1:11-12 God will send rain to the seeds YOU sow. Galatians 6:7-9 Due time = God's time Be generous with: money time speech Gen 25:21 Psalm 6:9 Mark 11:24

Notes from handwritten journal--Andy Stanley

Starting Over by Andy Stanley Knowing better does not always equal doing better. Own your mistakes/bad choices. Don't get wrapped up in your "story" that you forget your part in it. Blame enables us to smuggle our issues into our own futures. Ask yourself, "What was my part?" Blame sets you up for repeat performance. Owning = clarity Mathew 5:8 purity ←→clarity Make peace with your past. Next time can be better not because you want it to be but because you plan for it to be.

Notes on Fasting from 2014

January 5-- The best of all first fruits of any kind, and every sacrifice of any kind from all your sacrifices, shall be the priest's; also you shall give to the priest the first of your ground meal, to cause a blessing to the rest on your house. --Ezekiel 44:30 Did great today. Napped thru some of the caffeine withdrawal and didn't eat until I actually felt hungry. January 6-- The are not of the world, just as I am not of the world.  Sanctify them by your truth.  Your word is truth.  As you sent me into the world, I also have sent them into the world.  --John 17:16-18 I am struggling today.  I have a headache from caffeine withdrawal and am sluggish and hungry.  I thought I had hummus at work but I didn't.  So just my pita chips, apple, cereal and almond milk so far.  I am praying for strength and I know that this is a painful process of detoxifying my body. January 8-- Yesterday was much better.  I am trying not to feel too ba...

Handwritten journal entries from past -- Lisa Bevere Women's Conference

Lisa Bevere Women's Conference Lioness Arising Turnaround God--Charlotte Gambil Do you like your seat? Jesus is drawn to movement. The choice you make of where you will be affects where your children will be.  John 20 You're not where you should be because you don't want to leave others behind. Sometimes we hear things in an old filter. Luke 5:1 No matter how vast the situations are--He sees you! The one true God, comes to see about us! God not only sees us,   He will use the platform that you think is useless to proclaim His greatness to others! Psalm 46:10 Be Still! God-margin Isaiah 55  His ways are not ours. 8000 promises--no in our hands, in our reach, meaning there is a process.

Handwritten journal entries from past -- Women's conference

Do what you are responsible to do and that will allow God to do what only He can do. God's dream for me is the enemy's nightmare. Numbers 23:24 2 Corinthians Proverbms 6: 6-0 My beauty is revealed in the strength of my funtion. Celebrate each others' strengths and seasons. Who is at risk when we are (???) Know your specific calling and purpose is and cut back on the things that don't add to that.  ---Tammy Hodges. The relationships you choose determine everything. Isaiah 30:15-18 In repentance and rest is your salvation.  You can't outrun your enemies. When you don't rest and you become the savior, you become a slave and you begin to substitute. Psalm 32:7 Selah--stop think musical rest. Repent--redirect. 1--look outward: review     relationship with God?    ask others how you're doing?     how is family life?     Physical, ministry, social life?     how is your work? 2--look inward; revis...

Handwritten journal entries from past -- Notes from Priscilla Shirer/ reCreate Women's Conference

Notes from Priscilla Shirer/ reCreate Women's Conference How many times has God tried to position me to receive what He has for me and I have rebelled and fought Him? And yet He is still patiently waiting and guiding me to my destiny.  Some will not hang with me through this change. He always will. God is patient. Humans have to grow and be trained in levels of patience. God places us in situations that train us. Because God is patient-we get to experience everything else God is! 1 Timothy 1:12-16 Paul says, "I'm a demonstration of the patience of God." We all have our own sin resume! Stop looking at others'! Jeremiah 1:5 1. Christ came to save sinners. a. Miracle we were born; bigger miracle we are born again. b. God will always out move the enemy. 2. Christ changes us.     Ephesians 1:13 justify     2 Thessalonians 1:13 sanctify 3.  Christ considers me and puts me in service.  He uses me for his glory. Don't let the enemy ...